Sustainability project “Part 3-field report”

Field Report:

  1. Provide the date, time, and location of your 30-minute observation period.

Date: April 4th, 2018

Location: Sligo Creek Park

Observation: 5:00pm to 5:30pm

2. What were the weather conditions during your observation period?

During my observation period, it was sunny and dry but it was windy. It was approximately 49 degrees but it definitely felt colder than that.

3. What sensory impressions did you experience while observing your place?  For example – sights, sounds, textures, smells, etc.

One thing that I heard a lot of were cars driving by. The speed rate is 30mph but cars were definitely driving faster than that. I saw a lot of cars but not many pedestrians. The park overall just looked gray and gloomy and had an “abandoned” type of feel. The tree branches looked fragile and it smelled like mulch. I was sitting on one of the two benches and everything was just a bland brown color even the grass. The park itself looked dirty and the trail had a a lot of twigs and branches that can be dangerous for runners.

4. Provide specific numbers and details of what happened in the space during your observation period.  For example – How many people did you see?  What types of activities were happening?  How much time did people spend in the space?  Where did people sit? etc.

I started off my observation by sitting at one of the 2 benches. The trail is right behind the park. I observed an older couple crossing the crosswalk and walking their dog. They were probably around 50-60 years old. It took a minute before the speeding cars slowed down to let them cross. Once they finally did, they took a seat at the other bench and let their dog play around but they only stayed for about 10 minutes. After that they headed towards the trail. Im assuming that they probably stayed at the park just to take a “break” and then they continued walking their dog. They sat at the other bench probably since I was sitting at one, although we all would’ve fit at the bench. If someone else came and wanted to sit, they would probably feel awkward since I was at one bench and the old couple on the other. No one else, came to the park after the couple left.  I did see a man run pass the trial behind the park but he did not stop.

5. How did people interact with other people in the space?

Sligo creek park did not provide a social environment. First, the benches are not even facing each other. One is placed horizontally and the other is vertically adjacent to it so you can’t see the faces of the people sitting. When the old couple sat down, I was only able to observe the back of their head and profile view while they were sitting and it would’ve been awkward to have a conversation. The only interaction that occurred was between them and felt like I was just kind of “there”.

6. What do you think this space was designed for?  Is this how the space is currently being used?

This space was designed as a park where children come and socialize with other and parents can socialize and observe their children from the benches. The space does have enough grass area where families can bring their dogs. Unfortunately, the park isn’t updated and its dirty so now the space is currently being used more as a “rest area” or a place where people who are running, take a quick 5 minute break and then continue jogging.

7. What draws people to this place?

Although, this is a park what draws people to this place are the 2 benches and there is also a wooden picnic table but it is old. People who are walking or running the trail, use this place as a rest area. I have yet to see children at the park which was its intended audience.

8. Identify problems you see with your space and how it is used, and highlight the areas you would like to focus on improving.

The problem that I see on how the space is being used is that the park is old and unsafe for small children since they can easily run off into the parkway. Also, the positioning of the benches does not allow for face-to-face socialization and if just one person is sitting at the bench, a stranger will not want to sit next to them.  Also, the park is old and seems to only be age appropriate for toddlers, not older kids.

Plan to improve my place:

1. Image result for sustainable park design

One of my proposed solutions is that we create a border out of green bushes around the park and the small grass field next to it. This way, parents would feel safer bringing their younger children to the park since it would be unlikely for the child to run off into the road. A fence would make the mark feel isolated and would block the view to the trail. By creating this border out of green bushes, parents still have view of the street and it makes the park look more eye-appealing.

2.Related image

I would also change the seating arrangement at the park. The old wooden benches are just not sustainable, nor promotes civil engagement. I would want to build a long concrete sitting area so parents can sit, watch their children but at the same time social with each other. Also, I want to include smaller metal tables with chairs so if people want to bring their food and eat outside, they can. This would be more sustainable than wooden chairs because they would last longer and doesn’t deteriorate as fast compared to wood. This allows multiple people to sit at once so the joggers that want to take a “break” can still do so and there will be plenty of space for children and families. It would make the park open to all ages and backgrounds.

3. Image result for sustainable park design

I would also, like to make the park more inclusive by having a park that is appealing to older children as well. Currently the park only has one slide and one swing. If the park included a jungle gym it would be more appealing to older children. This is sustainable because it brings people and children together, not only parents with toddlers.

Reflection on class topic:

  1. From the class lecture, Designing Public Space it was clear that places have to be designed by taking people into consideration. By designing Sligo creek park at the human scale, it will bring more people and make them feel comfortable. Instead of placing a tall fence around the park which would feel inclusive. By placing a border of green bushes it makes us feel comfortable since we can still see the trail and street (lecture ).
  2.  Another topic that I took into consideration is equality vs. equity. I wanted to make sure that the park was meeting everyone’s needs not just one certain group. When this park was originally designed it felt like it was inclusive for parents with toddlers. Now, the park is inclusive to older children, single people who want to eat outside at the metal tables, joggers, people walking there dogs and people who just want to enjoy the outdoors. Sligo Creek is in a diverse neighborhood and to me it was important to design something that was inclusive to this diverse community.

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